So, after a large amount of time has passed, I feel that it is now safe to resume my chronicles of life in the place that I once left. After leaving, then returning, then turning my life upside down and inside out I'm finally comfortable in my new surroundings. My new apartment is nice, quiet, (especially now that the married neighbors upstairs and the schizophrenic lady across the way are gone) and cozy.
However, absolutely nothing else in my life is the way I thought it would be. My new job is amazing, and they're thinking of promoting me and skipping a step in between, a huge contrast from the job I just left where I wasn't promoted even slightly after more than a year. The lack of drama and the overall kindness of the people is a rare thing, and sometimes I find myself looking at everyone and thinking "Man, they're about to be translated." Such is the on-campus work at a religious university, I suppose.
I also got in trouble today with my mouth (big surprise there). Actually, it wasn't really trouble but I still felt very chastised. My roomate told me that a lot of people might think I'm a snob because I tend to use a lot of "big words" when I talk. Well, gosh. If I'd have like, known that like sounding smart made a person ugly, I guess I like need to get dumber sounding real fast, huh? Geez! I don't know why, but for some reason that totally pissed me off. More so because I think I understand the truth of what she was saying. I really do think that some people might be a little imtimidated when a cute girl uses a word like "segue" or "cloying" (AND knows what it means, too) in everyday conversation. But I don't get pissed off at people when they talk about things I don't necessarily understand, like calculus. And it's not like I'm trying to show off how smart I am (trust me, I really don't think I'm that smart.) I just happen to have a colorful vocabulary and that's just the way I talk. She even went as far as to say that I should try to "write for my audience" so to speak, so that everyone would be sure to understand. I really didn't know how to take it, but it seems to me that a world where a woman has to hide her intelligence (no matter how she does it or who she's trying to not impress) in order not to scare people is a really screwed up place.
I still have no idea what guys mean when they speak "sports lingo", but I never ask them to stop using it around me because it makes me feel like an idiot. It's my fault for not knowing what a freaking "half-back" is, if you ask me.
Rant, rant rant rant rant.